How to make a multi-link sig tag
1. First thing you do is make your siggy, I'm going to make mine in Photoshop. Make it like you usually would and be sure to include something showing people where to click (like the words on each flower.) You also want to have a background other than transparent so it lines up correctly later, I made mine white. Here is mine, I want to link my store, instagram, facebook, my blog, and pinterest!

2. Next you need to cut the siggy into pieces! Each image will lead to a different link. Make sure your siggy is layer 0 NOT background. If the layer says background, double click on it in the layer panel in the bottom right corner and a screen will pop up asking if you want it to be layer 0, click ok. I took the rectangular marquee tool and selected the first part of my siggy (i put blue lines so you can see where i am going to make the cuts) Once selected I right clicked (apple click for mac users) and selected "layer via cut" so that I could then hide that layer and cut the next one without worrying about whether or not I made my cut in the right place.

I will keep doing this until all the words I want linked, are on a separate layer.

now each piece is cut and on a separate layer. the background paper is gray.
3. After you have all your layers made, open a new document. Drag one layer onto it, trim the layer and save as a jpg. Repeat for each layer. There is probably a better way to do this but this is the way I did it.

4. Upload your layers to an image hosting site, i use tinypic, google cloud, picasa, photo bucket, or etc.
5. Load the images where ever you are using the siggy, here is mine in my forum

if you have code showing instead of pics, click the A/A button in the top left corner.
6. Next I select the image I want to link first, then click the link button and paste the link. Now that part of the image is linked!

Link the rest of the images the same way and save! viola! You now have a multi linked siggy! Try it out below!

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